๐ŸŽญPlaywright - Web Apps E2E Testing Tool

Prepared by: Rufo


Essentially, as the HOV-SQA department is growing with a bunch of people learning and working with Cypress. Which is really great news in the sense that a lot of people are stepping up doing automation. I think we're limited to 10 users currently with the subscription of the Team sort of bundle. Or even if we got the Business bundle kind of subscription.

Cypress offers:

Naturally, cost is a real problem in the long run. So probably, exploring opportunities with a totally free and open source tech stack might be very advantageous for us.

However, donโ€™t get me wrong, Cypress is still my first love with test automation but eventually we might be needing to move on to a cost-effective one, and you got it right I meant the free one. Who doesnโ€™t love free?๐Ÿ˜†

Yet still, we should still keep in mind that not everything that is free is great, unless it is developed and maintained by Microsoft. ๐Ÿ˜…So yeah, I guess it's a wrap for me here. Looking forward to some opportunities in application with this.

โ€‹What is Playwright?

  • Playwright framework is an open-source, Nodejs based automation framework for end-to-end testing. It is developed and maintained by Microsoft. Its main goal is to run across the major browser engines โ€“ Chromium, Webkit, and Firefox.

Setup & Installation

How to Install and run Playwright Test Script

Step 1: Create a fresh new directory (ex: playwright-experiment) in VSCode

Step 2: Open Directory in Visual Studio Code. From VS code,

Click on File > Open Folder > Choose newly Created Folder (playwright-experiment)

Step 3: From the VS Code, Click on Terminal Menu > Click on New Terminal

Step 4: Enter the below command to start the Playwright installation

npm init playwright@latest

Note: The above command asks a set of questions. Please provide appropriate inputs. In this tutorial, we are using typescript language.

The above command does the following operation:

  • Creates Package.json

  • Installs npm library

  • Sets up basic Files and Folders

    • tests folder: This folder contains actual test scripts. By default, an example.spec.ts file will be created inside this folder.

    • .gitignore: This file helps if you are using git repository

    • package.json and package-lock.json: This file helps to track dependencies, create a shortcut for running tests, etc.

    • playwright.config.ts: This is the global configuration file for the Playwright, which you can configure with available options.

Step 5: Install Browsers

However, Playwright is configured to run on existing browsers, which might create issues while running tests, so it is recommended to use the Playwright browsers. Using the below command, you can install all different browsers in Playwright.

npx playwright install

The above command installs the Playwright version of Chromium, Firefox, and Webkit browser.

Installation Process is all done, now we can start on creating some test scripts.

Writing your playwright test

Scenario: Login and Logout Scenario of Identifi

import { chromium, expect, test } from "@playwright/test";

test("login and logout test", async () => {
  const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });
  const context = await browser.newContext();
  const page = await context.newPage();

  await page.goto("https://app.identifi.com/login");

  await page.fill(

  await page.click("'Sign in'");

  await page.fill('input[data-test="password.input"]', "password");
  await page.click("'Sign in'");

  await expect(page).toHaveURL(/.*dashboard/);
  await page.locator("text=Logout").click();
  await expect(page).toHaveURL("https://app.identifi.com/login");

Debugging Tool within the VSCode:

They uniquely offers some in-built debugging tool extension in vscode, which is very cool as well to explore.

Summary of Tests/Dashboard (Freely accessible)

They offer some recordings as well:

Trace Runner feature is among my favorites with playwright:

Playwright vs Cypress (A bit of comparison)

Notable Learnings


Multi Language Support

JavaScript, TypeScript

JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Python, .NET

Browser Support

Chrome, Firefox(dev, nightly), Chromium based browsers, Edge, Beta & Canary Releases, Electron

Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, Webkit(Safari)

Flaky Test Detection


Configure test retry strategy, capture execution trace, videos, screenshots to eliminate flaky tests.



New and smaller community

Cross-Origin/Third Party Login


Very well supported



Very well supported


Slow(Runs inside the browser, uses CDP APIs)

Much Faster (Uses Browser Context)

Page Object Pattern

Not Recommended by Cypress.

Very well supported

Parallel Browser Testing

Needs License

Very well supported using workers on single machine and on CI(Remote) - No License

Parallel Support for Tests

Needs individual test files, split tests into different files

Supports parallel tests within a single test file

Async/Await Issues

Overhead, complex method chaining, difficult to understand code, no await

Playwright fully supports async/await syntax for clean, readable code.

Edge Case Scenarios

Needs third party plugins

In Built Features

Test Grouping and Test Suites




Rely on XPath Plugins

In Built Features


Depends more on third party plugins, Overhead, Not sure long-term support, Version Upgrade, Maintenance, for almost everything, there is a plugin.

Most of the features are supported in Built. Less Dependencies.


Removed VSC debugging, need to debug in developer tool or own debugger

  • Playwright inspector

  • Paywright Trace Viewer

  • Run in headed mode

  • Browser developer tools

  • Run in Debug Mode

  • Selectors in Developers Tools Console

  • VS Code debugger (Node JS)

  • Verbose API logs

Automatic waits

Does not suppport in many scenarios

Claims in Built Auto Wait and Event-based mechanism

Upload and Download Files

Need third party plugins

In Built Features

User Authentication


Supports reuse of authentication state

Multiple Window/Tab Support


Very well supported


Dashboard Pricing/LIcense




Very well supported

Which one is preferred?

While both of the test frameworks offer unique features and capabilities. When choosing the right testing framework, functionality remains the core focal point. Cypress offers extensive support with the matured community proactively sharing documentation and all, but still Playwright might catch up, who knows when.

We could still say though that having playwright as a totally free and open-source testing tool with their unique dashboard that is out of the box, and some other in-built features they got is a very great thing to have.

Last updated