Test Plan
This page documents things that were set in place for a QA Engineer to perform its necessary testing along with the collaboration of the Engineers assigned to the ThreadSync Project.
QA Test Environment
Back-End Engineer/s have set up a QA Test Environment of the entire ThreadSync Project.
In this Environment we performed and set up necessary stuff as a dedicated Environment to do all Tests. We're ensuring that the Product would perform as was intended to.
Slack Test Channel (Dedicated Channel)
Yes - any account(s)
JIRA Test Project Account
Yes - 1 Slack Test Channel (Dedicated Channel)
Test Tools
Task/Project Management
Github Projects (Github Board)
Test Management/Monitoring
Github Projects (Github Board)
Tests Implemented
Exploratory Testing
Monkey Testing
Functionality Testing
JIRA + SLACK Integration
[QA Tests] Comments Syncing
JIRA to Slack comments
Slack reply comment to slack
Slack to JIRA comments are synced
[QA Tests] Card Status Monitoring and Slack Notification
Verify the card is transitioned, from
To Do
toIn Progress
in the Jira Site syncs fine on the slack.Verify the slack notification works fine.
[QA Tests] Exploratory Testing
Slack + Github Integration
[QA Tests] Github New PR Merged to (Slack) ThreadSync Notification
[QA Tests] Github New PR Created to (Slack) ThreadSync Notification
[QA Tests] Slack comments to Github syncing
There was no dedicated QA Environment for this, we only tested this on Production State.
[QA Tests] Exploratory Testing
Last updated