🧪Test Scenarios
Feature: Subsit Login
Scenario: User inputs wrong email shows message prompt
Given user is on the login page When user inputs "sqahov" Then user should see "Invalid email address"
Scenario: User enters without email
Given user is on the login page When user press enter Then user should see "Email is required"
Scenario Outline: User inputs email that shows the status prompt
Given user is on the login page When user inputs "<email>" Then user should see status "<status>" Examples: | email | status | | unreg@gmail.com | user with the specified email address does not exist. | | sqa.hov@gmail.com | Code sent. |
Scenario: User click resend code
Given user is on the login page When user inputs registered email And click "Resend the code" Then user should see "Resent OTP successfully." resent status
Scenario: User click change email address
Given user is on the login page When user inputs registered email And click "Change email address" Then user should redirect back to login page And email field is shown
Scenario: User inputs invalid otp code
Given user is on the login page When user inputs invalid code Then user should see "OTP is invalid." resent status
Scenario: When user clicks create an account button
Given user is on the login page When user clicks "Create an account" Then user should be redirected to "Create an Account" page
Scenario: User logs in
Given user is on the login page When user enters the code Then user should see main page
Feature: Subsit Signup
Scenario: User signup already registered account
Given user is on the signup page When user inputs all the given field Then user should see "Email is already in use" status
Scenario: User doesnt input email field
Given user is on the signup page When user inputs company organization And user inputs role Then the user should see "Email is required"
Scenario: User doesnt input company/organization
Given user is on the signup page When user inputs registered email address And user inputs role Then the user should see "Company must be 2 characters or more"
Scenario: User doesnt input role
Given user is on the signup page When user inputs registered email address And user inputs company organization And clicks "Create an Account" Then the user should see "Role must be 2 characters or more"
Scenario: When user clicks sign in button
Given user is on the signup page When user clicks "Sign in" Then user should be redirected to "Sign In to your Account" page
Scenario: User creates an account
Given user is on the signup page When user inputs all the given field for the new account Then the user will see "Your account has been successfully created"
Scenario: User enters not register email
Given user is on the signup page When user is on the login page And user enters not registered email Then the user will see "Your account is not yet activated"
Feature: Subsit Mainpage
Scenario: When user click on the signin button
Given user is on the Mainpage When user click Sign in Then user should be redirected to "login"
Scenario: When user click on the signin button
Given user is on the Mainpage When user click "Try subsit for free" Then user should be redirected to "signup"
Feature: Subsit- Add receipts PDF
Scenario: User uploads not supported receipt application
Given user click add receipt button When user click "PDF" button And user uploads not supported receipt application Then error message will show "Receipt not supported or file is invalid."
Scenario: User uploads mutltiple receipts
Given user click add receipt button When user click "PDF" button And user upload multiple receipts Then it will show all the receipt on the uploaded column
Scenario Outline: User uploads supported application
Given user click add receipt button When user click "PDF" button And user uploads "<file>" Then the uploaded "<file>" will be shown on the uploaded column Examples: | file | | atlassian.pdf | | basecamp.pdf | | figma.pdf | | github.pdf | | notion.pdf | | sendgrid.pdf | | slack.pdf | | vercel.pdf |
Feature: Subsit- View receipt PDF
Scenario: When user uploads receipt
Given user is on the receipt page When user uploads a pdf receipt And click "Done" button Then "Receipt successfully added" message prompt will show And "Not yet set" application will show on the table And "Pending" status will show on the table
Scenario: User uploads duplicate receipt
Given user is on the receipt page When user uploaded a duplicate receipt Then "Failed" status will show on the table
Scenario: User should see the application information
Given user is on the receipt page When user uploads one pdf receipt Then user should see the applications information
Feature: Subsit- Filter receipt
Scenario: User filter choosen receipt application
Given user is on the receipt page When user uploads one pdf receipt to view filter And user select application to filter Then the application must be shown on the table
Scenario: Application filter should contains
Given user is on the receipt page Then application filter should contains | application | | Atlassian | | Basecamp | | Figma | | Github | | Notion | | Sendgrid | | Slack | | Vercel |
Scenario: Status filter should contains
Given user is on the receipt page Then status filter should contains | status | | Pending | | Processing | | Failed | | Completed |
Scenario: Type filter should contains
Given user is on the receipt page Then type filter should contains | type | | Email | | PDF |
Last updated