Setup Project and Configuration (Android)
Create & Initialize a new directory
mkdir <project-name>
cd <project-name>
init -y
Install WebdriverIO CLI
npm i @wdio/cli
Setup config
npx wdio config
Select the ff:
Where is your automation backend located: On my local machine
Which framework do you want to use: mocha/cucumber
Do you want to use a compiler? : No
Where are your test specs located: select default
Do you want WebdriverIO to autogenerate some test files?: Yes
Which reporter do you want to user: spec
Do you want to add a service to your test setup?: select appium
What is the base url: select default
Then it will install all the relevant packages.
Make sure you install
npm i appium@2.0.0-beta.35
WebdriverIO config (Android)
Port: 4723
This is the port where appium server will spin offspecs:
this is where all the spec are locatedcapabilities
needs to specify all the android specificationlog:
default webdriverIO log which will generate when running the testbaseurl:
We dont need this since we are going to run in in appiumservices:
appium server to , it is connected to appium services to spin off appium server
Add test up
create a new folder
add the app on that folder
Update capabilities
Platform name
Device name
App path
Setup Test folder
folder and sample.js file and paste the code below
Run app with WebdriverIO
npx wdio
if you got an error: Unable to connect to the server:
Make sure you install appium on your project
npm i appium@2.0.0-beta.35
Check if appium driver are installed :
npx appium driver list
Make sure uiautomator2 and xcuitest are installed
uiautomator2 -
npx appium driver install uiautomator2
xcuitest -
appium driver install xcuitest
Setup Emulator for Testing
Add emulator in Android Studio
Create another Virtual with different android version
Add capabilities in Appium Inspector
Remote Port: 4724
Remote Host:
Remote path: /
Desired Capabilities
PlatformName: Android
platformVersion: 11
deviceName: Nexus_S
app: <application path>
automationName: UIAutomator2
Check Automatically add necessary Appium vendor prefixes on Start
run port:
appium -p 4724
on your terminalStart Session to run the Appium Inspector
Last updated