Test plan

0.1: Introduction

1.0 Objectives

1.1 Purpose

This test plan presents all Testing approaches of Software QA Engineers to Subit application. Having this documentation started means that all ambiguous and vague requirements has been cleared and answered. What to expect in the test plan:

  1. Testing Scope and Limitation

  2. Test Items

    1. Features that are covered from version 0.1 and 0.2 in the story map

  3. Test design and Strategy

    1. Defines Testing Criteria

    2. Defines Testing types

  4. Resources

    1. QA engineers

  5. Test environment

    1. (As of this writing, no environment provided yet for testing)

1.2 Definition

Subit- A finance software that provide financial services such Spending as analytical insights and reports, centralized collection of subscription receipts, notification and alerts.

Insights- The page that contains analytical report of the user spendings and high priority subcribed applications notification window. Alerts and notifications - ****Can be found at the insight page and was shown as info box with subscription details

Receipts - Application receipts that are wither added by email or updloaded pdf file.

1.3 Scope and limitation

  • Subit only support applications from Vercel, Atllassian, Figma, Notion, Github.

  • Receipts pdf file or subscribed emails for the said applications are the only accepted at the โ€œAdd Recieptโ€ feature.

  • Users registrations requires their email address.

  • Testing will cover the following features of Subit

    • Insights

      • Spending distribution analytics

      • Notifications

    • Receipts

    • Applications

    • Settings

  • For the applications first release version, the testing will only be in manual

  • Before release test will be run from staging environment.

  • Test steps to be used are in Gherkin non UI approach.

  • In first release, the test will be run in PC/Mac browsers

    • Chrome

    • Safari

    • Firefox

2.0 Test Items

  • Login

    • Sign in as user

  • Logout

    • Logout as user

  • Add Receipt

    • upload PDF receipts

    • forward invoices to Subit address

  • Insights

    • Notifications (high priority subscribed applications)

    • Analytical report (user spending

  • Receipts

    • Applications

    • Status

    • Type

  • Applications

    • Application name

    • Total Spending

    • Start Date

    • Monthly change

  • Settings

    • Userโ€™s email credentials

    • My Account tab

3.0 Testing Strategy

3.1 Testing Types and Levels

4.0 Resources

4.1 Test Tools

4.2 Manpower

4.3 Hardware

Last updated