Regression Testing Coverage
Owner signs up with correct invite code, email address and otp code
Owner enters a non existing or invalid email address, even with having correct invite code
Owner navigates the Getting Started and invites member using email
Owner navigates the Getting Started and invites multiple members (2-emails)
Owner navigates the Getting Started process and proceeds to dashboard
Owner logs in with valid email address and correct password (API integrated tests)
Owner logs out successfully
Owner cannot login with incorrect password
Owner enters a non existing or invalid email address
Menu Item | Activity Feed
Owner navigates to "Activity Feed" and views feed posts
Owner navigates to "Activity Feed" and filters feed by Everyone's posts
Owner filters feed by boosts only
Owner comments on a boost post
Owner reacts by liking a boost post
Owner filters feed by posts only
Owner comments on a post
Owner reacts by liking a post
Owner can only Bookmark a particular post
Owner navigates to "Activity Feed"
Owner opens the modal for "Write a post" and "Send a boost"
Owner creates a post (text) via button on the menu bar
Owner creates a post (text) via textarea in the timeline
Owner edits own post (text)
Owner deletes own post (text)
Owner creates a post (image)
Owner edits/adds a post
Owner bookmarks own post
Owner deletes a post
Owner sends a boost to someone
Owner reacts to own boost
Owner commented to own boost
Owner/Admin can still see pinned post widget even if there is no pinned post
Verify that Pin option is available on the drop down menu
Admin/Owner can pin his own post
Admin/Owner can pin member's post
Admin/Owner deleted the post
Owner can open single event
Owner can open add event modal
Owner can set an event all-day
Owner can set an event recurring
Owner can disabled/enable notification
Owner can mention multiple teammates or multiple team
Owner can view the current months event
Owner can view previous and next month events
Owner can view current monthly events
Owner is unable to delete an event if it's currently on going
Owner can view warning modal
Owner can delete a future event
Owner can cancel edit leave
Owner can edit leave scheduled to the start date of the leave
Owner can view delete/edit option
Owner can view warning modal
Owner can cancel leave
Owner can delete leave when the scheduled start date of the leave
Admin can create a leave for an employee
Owner can edit leave before the scheduled start date of the leave
Owner can delete leave before the scheduled start date of the leave
Owner/Admin searches in the directory for a particular member name using the search input field
Owner/Admin views member profile upon searching a member name in the input field
Owner/Admin searches a member in the directory by Team Name
Owner/Admin views member profile upon searching by Team
Owner/Admin searches a member in the directory by Location
Owner/Admin views member profile upon searching by Location
Owner/Admin follows a particular member
Owner/Admin unfollows a particular member
Owner/Admin edits a particular member's 'Profile'
Owner/Admin edits a member's 'Additional Info'
Owner/Admin opens the invite member modal
Owner/Admin invites member (1-member email)
Owner/Admin invites members (2-emails)
Boost Settings
Verify that the user can disable the boost settings
verify user can enable boost
verify user can view Boost Card preview
verify user can view 'add new value' button
Verify Owner/admin should be able to Disable a Value
Verify Owner/admin should be able to Enable a Value
Verify that admin/owner can Add new value without adding a description
Verify that admin/owner can Add new value with a description
Verify admin/owner can't save changes if Add new value field is blank or has white spaces
Verify admin/owner should see a warning modal before cancelling adding a New value
Verify admin/owner can cancel adding a new value
Verify admin/owner should go back to Add new value modal after clicking Keep editing on the Warning modal
Verify admin/owner can edit default value
Verify admin received confirmation message when deleting value
Verify admin can delete default values
Verify that boost setting will be empty when all values are deleted
Verify admin can delete newly created values
Verify admin can edit core values
Verify admin can edit description
Calendar Settings
Verify owner can disable calendar settings
Verify owner can enable calendar settings
Verify owner views leave type modal
Verify owner can create leave type
Verify owner can edit leaves type
Verify owner view delete confirmation modal
Verify owner can delete leave type
Company Settings
Verify owner can see new team modal
Verify owner can enter team name and can add members
Verify owner can cancel creation of team
Verify owner can see available actions to perform
Verify owner can see edit team modal
Verify owner can cancel updating of team
Verify owner can see Delete Group option
Verify confirmation modal appears
Verify owner can re-enter team name and can add members
Verify owner can cancel deletion of team
Verify owner can delete a team
Verify owner can use Delete Group option
Daily Review Settings
Verify user can't select a component if review settings is disabled
Verify user can enable review settings
Verify user can select components
Verify that if either mood tracker/checkin is not selected setting should not be saved
Verify that owner can see a preview of mobile UI
Verify that the admin/owner can search respondent by name
Verify that the owner can search users via the search bar using their names
Verify that the owner can search users via the search bar using their team
Verify that the admin/owner can removed respondent
Verify that the admin/owner can set time when the review starts
Verify that the admin/owner can set the time zone
Verify that the admin/owner can set time when the review will close.
Verify that the admin/owner can set notification
Verify user can add questions
Verify user can delete questions
Verify user can update question
Employee List
Verify that owner/admin can see the list of employee
Verify that owner/admin can click "Next" button in employee settings
Verify that owner/admin can clicks "Previous" button in employee settings
Verify that owner/admin can see 10 employees per page in the list if employee is more than 10
Verify that user can see the number of owner, admin and members in the organization
Verify that owner/admin can click the "Pending invites" button
Verify that owner/admin can click resend invites link
Verify that owner can search pending invites member
Verify that owner can click "Resent all invites" button
Verify that owner/admin can click remove link
Verify that owner can invite members using email
Verify that owner can invite mutliple members
Employees Profile
Verify owner can access member profile
Verify Owner can update employee profile picture
Verify owner can update employee first name and last name
Verify owner can update employee Role
Verify owner can save data for Employee Profile
Verify owner can navigate the employee additional info screen
Verify owner can add / edit start date
Verify owner can add / edit birthday date
Verify owner can add / edit Employee Location
Verify owner can add / edit Employee Timezone
Verify owner can add / edit Employee Phone number
Verify owner can select website option
Verify owner can add URL
Verify owner can Add more link field
Verify owner can save data for employee Additional Info
Manage Employee
Verify that an owner can change member permission to Admin
Verify that an owner can change member permission to Member
Verify that an owner can cancel permission update
Verify owner can cancel deletion of membe
Verify owner can delete a member
Personal Settings
Owner/Admin updates 'Profile' on Personal Settings
Owner/Admin updates 'Account' on Personal Settings
Owner/Admin updates 'Additional Information' on Personal Settings
Owner/Admin updates 'Notification' on Personal Settings
Bookmark Widget
User click bookmark item redirect to bookmark post
User deleted the post
Verify that user can view all bookmarks on a single page
Three posts maximum on the bookmarked post
Bookmark Post
Verify user can see bookmark option in action button
User can still see bookmarks widget even if there is no bookmarked post
Verify user can bookmark post card
User can view the title and the author of the bookmarked post
User Filter Feed
User navigates to "Activity Feed" and views feed posts (Default state: Following)
User navigates to "Activity Feed" and filters feed by Everyone's posts
User filters feed by boosts only
User comments on a boost post
User reacts by liking a boost post
User filters feed by posts only
User comments on a post
User reacts by liking a post
User can only Bookmark a particular post
User Personal View Feed
User navigates to "Activity Feed"
User opens the modal for "Write a post" and "Send a boost"
User creates a post (text) via button on the menu bar
User creates a post (text) via textarea in the timeline
User edits own post (text)
User deletes own post (text)
User creates a post (image)
User edits/adds a post (image)
User bookmarks own post
User deletes a post (image)
User sends a boost to someone
User reacts to own boost (by liking)
User commented to own boost
User Pin Post
User cannot see the pinned post widget if there is no pinned post
Verify user cannot pin a post
Verify user can view all pinned post on a single page
User can view pinned posts on the left side of the activity feed
User can view the title and the author of the pinned post
User Boost Feature
Verify that user can access create a boost modal
Verify that user can create a Boost
Verify that user can select up to 6 members
Verify that user cannot select more than 6 members
Verify user can select only one core value
Calendar Leave Filter
The user can view the current month's leave schedule
User can view current leave schedules
User can see leaves filter
User can view today's leave scheduled
User can view next month's leave schedules
Calendar Leaves Feature
Employee assigned to leave can delete the leave entry before the scheduled leave
Employee assigned to leave can edit the leave entry before the scheduled leave
User can view add leave modal
User can add leave
User can view edit leave modal
user can view warning modal
User deletes leave request
Company Tab
User navigates datepicker
User views Company Mood
User verifies an available Follow button in the company tab
User cannot see mood entries if he/she haven't followed some people yet
User opens the Follow modal
User filters mood entry by date (present date only)
User follows someone using the Follow modal
User unfollows someone using the modal
Submit Daily Review
Verify that user redirects to submit daily check-in page
Verify that user can successfully add task for today
Verify that user redirect to Open type question
Verify that user can continue incomplete check-in
Verify that user can go back to "Which tasks do you want to accomplish today" page
Verify that user can complete daily review
Direct Report tab
Manager navigate search in direct report tab entries
Manager filter direct report tab by user
Manager can view empty daily review entry of direct report
Manager navigate date filter in direct report tab
Manager filter direct report entries by date
Verify manager can react to a check-in on a direct report tab
Verify manager can comment to a checkin on a direct report tab
User Can View Header with a greeting, my name, and current date
User Can View Recent 5-Day Mood Entry Widget
User views Total Boosts received
User views Total Boosts given
User views Total number of comments added
User views Total number of reactions added
User views Completed Daily Reviews (Check-ins made and done in the past)
Mood Entry
Verify user can submit a mood entry
Verify user can add a mood
Verify user can view mood from the whole company tab
Verify user cannot view mood if he didn't follow anyone
Verify user can view the mood of the user he follow
Verify user can react on the mood post
Verify user can comment on the mood post
Verify user can edit the comment on the mood post
Verify user can delete the comment on the mood post
Verify no mood will be shown on the page when he unfollow the user
Comment React
Verify user/ic can react to a check-in on a user's personal tab
Verify user/ic can comment to a check-in on a user's personal tab
Verify user/ic can react to a comment on a checkin in user's personal tab
User Personal Tab
User navigates to Personal Tab
User verifies there's been no submission found yet
View Daily review Respondent
Manager views his/her Direct Report's Respondents on the main ta
Manager views his/her Direct Report who didn't respond on the main tab
Manager sends reminder on the Direct Report who didn't respond on the main tab
Manager ONLY views the Direct Report who didn't respond
Manager clicks the SEND ALL REMINDERS label through the modal
Manager clicks the Send reminder through the modal
Manager clicks the Responded in the dashboard
Manager sees the respondents who has already responded inside the modal
Follow Unfollow
Verify user can follow a member
Verify user already followed the other member
Verify user should be able to unfollow a member
Last updated