πŸ““User Stories and Acceptance Criteria

User story breakdown.

It answers the Questions WHO, WHAT, and WHY. WHO are we building it for? Who is the user?

  • As a <Type of user>

WHAT are we building? What is the intention?

  • I want <Some goal or objective>

WHY are we building it? What is the value fir the customer?

  • So that <benefit/value>

Example: Team Home service Customer Story

WHO are we building it for? Who is the user? WHAT are we building? What is the intention? WHY are we building it? What is the value for the customer?

As a Customer
I want to login into the website
So that I can see deals on services
that I'll need when I move into my new home and I don't have to make dozens of
phone calls to different companies.

Please refer to this document: https://engineering.hov.co/agile-development/card-management/user-story

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