๐Ÿ›Bug and Bug life Cycle

Error (mistake)/defect (tester found)/bug (developer assigned) is the cause of a system/software failure. There is a life cycle in STLC to keep tracking and fixing bug this is known as Bug life cycle. Bug life cycle has following stages:

  • New

  • Assigned

  • Open

  • Fixed

  • Re-test

  • Verified

  • Re-open

  • Closed

  • Duplicate

  • Rejected

  • Deferred

  • Not a bug

BUG ticket format

  • UI or Functionality Bug


    Title: [Feature or Page] <Issue>
    	Tested on: <URL> or <Environment>
    	Test Data: <user credentials> or any test data
    	Steps to Replicate: <steps on how you found the bug.>
    	Expected Result: <given the steps, what is/are the expected behavior(s)>
    	Actual Result: <what actually happened after doing the steps>
    	Screenshot or Screen Recording:  <link or attached file(s)>
    Priority: Critical, High, Medium, Low
    Assignee: <assigned developer>
    Other fields:
    Epic Link: <card number or link to the feature>
    Linked Issues: <related story cards>
    Flags: Blocker, etc.
    Required fields


    Title: [Compliance Check Settings] Cannot enable Contrabet Offender Setting
    	Tested on: <http://admin.development.aonewallet.com/en/withdrawals/compliance-checks> 
    	Test data
              Admin code: m377,
    	  Admin username: 'admin88', 
              Admin password: 'password'
    	Steps to Replicate:
    	1. Log into the admin portal.
    	2. Click Withdrawals > Compliance Checks in the Side Menu.
    	3. Click the Enable toggle switch of the Contrabet Offender Setting.
    	4. Click Save Changes button.
    	Expected Result: Contrabet Offender Compliance Check Setting should be enabled
    	Actual Result: Contrabet Offender Compliance Check Setting is still disabled
    	Screen recording: contrabetsetting.mp4
    Priority: High
    Assignee: Janel
    Epic Link: Withdrawals
    Linked Issues: [Blocks] ONW-911 Admin enables compliance check settings
      [relates to] ONW-922 Admin updates compliance check settings
    Flag: Blocker

  • Web Service (API) Issues Format

*Title: [API] [<service or operationName>] <issue>

	Summary: <a short summary of the issue>

	*Request: <the actual API request>

	*Expected Result: <given the request, what is the expected response>
	*Actual Result: <what is the actual response>

	Test Report: <link to the test report, if available>

	Screenshot: <link or attachment>

*Priority: <Critical, High, Medium, Low>
*Assignee: <assigned developer>


Title: [API] [Games]: Mismatched payload structure

	Summary: The request payload for "games" service is incorrect. Assets object returns null.

	query games($first: Int, $after: String, $filter: GamesFilterInput) {
	   games(first: $first, after: $after, filter: $filter) {
		fragment gameFields on Game {
		   vendor {
		   assets(language: โ€œenโ€){
		       ... on GameAssets {
		fragment gamesConnectionFields on GamesConnection {
		   edges {
		   pageInfo {
		fragment gameAssetsFields on GameAssets {
		fragment vendorFields on Vendor {
		fragment gamesConnectionEdgeFields on GamesConnectionEdge {
		   node {
		fragment pageInfoFields on PageInfo {

	Expected: Request payload should be:
		["data", "games", "__typename", "totalCount", "edges", "__typename", "cursor", "node", "__typename", "id", "vendor", "__typename", "code", "type", "gameCode", "gameType", "assets", "pageInfo", "__typename", "endCursor", "hasNextPage"]

	Actual: {"data":{"games":{"__typename":"GamesConnection","totalCount":2443,"edges":[{"__typename":"GamesConnectionEdge","cursor":"+u5K3BLdbxAcbAuy","node":{"__typename":"Game","id":"gam_cb9f98a575de57d3b17f4f1b14e32091","vendor":{"__typename":"Vendor","code":"GPK_AT","type":"TRANSFER"},"gameCode":"272","gameType":"SLOT","assets":null}}],"pageInfo":{"__typename":"PageInfo","endCursor":"+u5K3BLdbxAcbAuy","hasNextPage":true}}}}

Priority: High
Assignee: Roger

Last updated