Mobile Automation Test Plan

1.0 Objectives:

1.0 Goal

  1. Aide SQA on performing repeatitive testing at the important features of Identifi mobile app.

  2. To ensure that identifi feature were not affected with the latest update.

  3. To deliver a faster test result for Smoke test

  4. To gave more focus into testing bug cards

  5. To increase Test coverage.

  6. To be a source of truth on every testing that the automation covers.

1.1 Purpose

This test plan covers the SQAโ€™s testing approaches towards to identifi mobile application. Having this documentation started means that all ambiguous and vague requirements has been cleared and clarified.

What to expect on this test plan:

  1. SQA will create an automation test for :

    1. Users

    2. Managers

1.2 Definition

  • Identifi is a web application use for monitor employees goals, moods and check-ins

  • Organization is the companyโ€™s environment where all the employee are added

  • Daily Review is identifi feature where in employeeโ€™s are required to submit before they start the day to keep track on the task and goal they want to accomplish within the day.

  • Mood Entry is part of daily review to see how the employee are feeling every day.

  • Company Event is a feature to see the event for the day, it includes Birthday, Anniversary, whoโ€™s on leave, and new org member

  • Boost is a feature of identifi to acknowledge the contributions and achievements of your teammates.

1.3 Scope and limitation

Answers which part of the system requires E2E automation


Environment to test:

  • Dev Environment

Testing types we are going to use:

  • Smoke-test


  • Can only use Dev environment and Specific Organization dedicated for Mobile Automation

  • Could accumulate data every automation test run

  • Pre-data and Organization are set

2.0 Test Items

  1. Login via Password

  2. Account Setup

  3. Daily Review Submission

    1. Mood Entry

    2. Daily Check-in

    3. Company Event

  4. View Company Mood

  5. People

  6. Members Profile

    1. About

    2. Feed

      1. Feed filter

  7. Boost

  8. Settings

    1. Account

    2. App reference

  9. Notification

  10. Dashboard (Personal)

  11. Daily Review Direct Reports

    1. Sign in as a Manager

  12. Post Interaction

  13. Post 1. Text Post 2. Post with gif/image 3. Post with link

3.0 Testing Strategy

Entry Criteria
Exit Criteria

Smoke testing


SQA Engineer

- New version/builds test environment has been provided.

  • Test data are available | Smoke test case passed

  • Major and obvious defects are found

4.0 Resources

4.1 Test Tools


Task/Project Management


Test Cases

Google Spreadsheet, Notion, JIRA

Defect Management


Test Automation

Appium, WebdriverIO, Androd Studio, Appium Inspector, Test Git mono repository, Testing reports and Analytics

Test executable application

Latest APK build

4.2 Manpower


Test Manager


  • Reviewing Test documentations and Automation progress. Provide clarification for the testing purposes.

  • Provide assistance with tools request.

  • Planning and assessing Mobile automations relevance.

  • Reseach approch that can be apply to the current automation setup.

Reyjie C. Mesias

Test Lead


  • Writing test plan.

  • Setup Test environment.

  • Setup test CI.

  • Setup Browser-stack integration.

  • Set schedules and goals every week for the automation.

  • Provide output via sprinting (every two weeks).

  • Manage Sync ups.

Yana Barlaan

SQA Engineers


  • Writing Test scripts.

  • Writing Test cases docs.

  • Testing Smoke test features.

  • Debugging test issues.

  • Maintain mobile automation test.

  • Write bug tickets if found a valid issue from the automation test result.

Clark, Joylan

4.3 Hardware




Windows OS



Mac OS

Android Phone


Android OS



iOS 12.0 +



iOS 12.0 +

Last updated